Monday, February 27, 2012

High Protein Breakfast

Breakfast is one of the most important meals in a day, the most important thing in eating a breakfast is eating a high quality breakfast. High protein breakfast is critical for you in the morning. The body uses the first protein consumed to repair muscles and other parts of the body as shown by several medical studies the in average, the first 30 grams (about 1oz) of proteins that are consumed firstly used as a building material for repair of the body and not as energy.
High protein breakfast has to contain at least 30 grams (about 1oz) of protein in order to satisfy you and prevent cravings soon after you are out of work or school. It's vitally critical for children to avoid gaining weight and obesity.

As mentioned before, the protein source for your high protein breakfast has to come from a quality food or supplement. check this article on my website for some great ideas for high protein breakfast. 

Thank you for reading.

More about healthy food and healthy living please make sure to check mark's Blog, he has been a great inspiration for me, as a person and a mentor.

Turkey Meatball Recipe

Turkey dinner is usually associated with holidays like thanksgiving but it definitely doesn't has to be such. Turkey meat is both healthy and lean, you can cook turkey easily for your whole family.

Turkey Meatballs are easy to make! they are healthy and delicious...


Roasting a whole chicken


Hope you will enjoy this recipe for roasting chicken!

Roasting chicken is one of the easiest way to cook a whole chicken, after you learn this way to cook a chicken you can always provide your family with a healthy and quick meal.

Also visit my posts on the next topics:

How to Cook a Whole Chicken

Quick Chicken Recipe – Italian Buttered Roast Whole Chicken

Have a great healthy day!

Friday, February 24, 2012

How to cook chicken breast

In this post we will learn how to cook chicken breast simply and deliciously by broiling.

Once you will learn and understand this method you will always be able to provide yourself with a simple an delicious food.

Let's begin shall we?

First, you have to buy your chicken breasts, I prefer fresh meat but you can use frozen meat as well. It is always good to know your local butcher for fresh chicken breasts and other meat products. After we have our chicken breasts (if frozen need to wait until defrosted or defrost in the microwave, just make sure the meat is soft and lukewarm).

Secondly, Once our meat is ready cooking chicken breasts is easy. Preheat oven to 375 degrees.

Now while to oven is heating wash the chicken breasts and spice to taste, use salt and pepper. Personally I love to add Lemon, Cumin, Turmeric, Curry, Honey Paprika and olive oil or butter, Try different mixes of different spices in different quantities to find your favorite spicing. Marinade the meat with the spices from 10 mintues to 24 hours (longer is better but not necessary).

Now place to breasts on a broiling pan and place in oven for 20-30 depending on the quantity of chicken breasts.

For more information on how to cook chicken breast visit this page on my website, how to cook chicken breast, don't forget to comment :)

Now you know how to cook chicken breasts, for more recipes and helpful tips visit my website on how to cook chicken.

Have a good day and enjoy!

Introduction to home chicken cooking

In our modern life everything happens very quickly, we wake up, go to work or school, go back home and eat whatever comes to our hands. Let's admit something very important here, "WE ARE TIRED", we have absolutely no power to cook or take care of ourselves, modern life made us take care of everything but ourselves.

Well good news everyone! This doesn't have to be so, WE can and WE will in some way take care of our selves. Today I want to talk to you about our eating sources, in the average american diet most food consumed is "fast-food" prepared in restaurants "fast-food" restaurants, a far fetch from "home-cooking".

I honestly  don't appreciate this trend and so I stood up in hope of change.I'm gonna provide you a solution, I've built and assembled a new web site that teaches all of us how simply and easily cook home made chicken, in my new website, how to cook a chicken,  I provide you with useful information about how easily and simply you can cook chicken and do it right. In my website you will learn:

How to Cook Chicken Breast

How to Boil Chicken

How to Cook a Whole Chicken

How to Make Chicken Soup 

And much more recipes and helpful tips, Here is an
official invitation from me to you, Visit, Read, Enjoy And the most important thing Live Healthy and Long.